TagSpaces GmbH Höhenkircherstr. 16
81247, Munich
Phone: +49 89 41156911
Represented by the managing director:
Ilian Sapundshiev
Commercial register:
HRB 219816
Registry court
Munich Local Court / Amtsgericht München
Sales tax ID (Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a Umsatzsteuergesetz):
Place of jurisdiction:
Munich, Germany
Editorial office (responsible according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV)
Ilian Sapundshiev
Hoehenkircherstr. 16
81247, Muenchen
Phone: +49 89 41156911
Social Media
This imprint applies also to the following social media sites of TagSpaces:
- X(Twitter):
- Facebook:
- Instagram:
- Youtube:
Legal disclaimer
Limitation of liability for internal content
The contents of this website were written with due diligence and by the author’s best knowledge. We can be held liable only by general laws, especially for our own contents acc. § 7 TMG (German law on tele-media) and for external contents acc. §§ 8 – 10 TMG. As a Provider of tele-media we can be held liable for external contents only once we have knowledge of a concrete infringement of law. We reserve the right to change or delete contents of this webpage which are not subject to any contractual obligation.
Limitation of liability for external links
Contents of external websites on which we are linking direct or indirect (through „deeplinks“ or „hyperlinks“) are beyond our responsibility and are not adopted as our own content. When the links were published, we didn’t have knowledge of any illegal activities or contents on these websites. Since we do not have any control on the contents of these websites, we distance ourselves from all contents of all linked websites, which were updated after the setting of the links. For all contents and especially damages, resulting of the use of the linked websites, only the provider of these linked websites can be held liable. If we receive knowledge of illegal contents on these linked websites, we will delete the according links.
Please take a look on our privacy policy for more information.
Notice in accordance with the Online Dispute Settlement Regulation
Under current law, TagSpaces GmbH is obliged to inform consumers of the existence of the European Online Dispute Resolution platform, which can be used to resolve disputes without having to go to court. The EU Commission is responsible for setting up the platform. You can find the European Online Dispute Resolution Platform at: However, we would like to point out that TagSpaces GmbH is neither willing nor obligated to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board. However, our users have the following option for contacting us: +49 89 41156911 by telephone, or by sending an e-mail to the e-mail address: