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Digital notes and tasks with TagSpaces

TagSpaces has the ability to create and edit files in plain text, HTML and Markdown formats, which are suitable for holding simple and more complex rich text digital notes. These functionalities together with the support for tagging makes TagSpaces a perfect note-taking application, which has no vendor locking and works perfectly offline. All the features making TagSpaces a perfect note-taking app are available in the free and open source TagSpaces Lite packages for Windows, Linux and macOS.

Create text file based digital notes

The built-in Markdown editor is feature-rich and supports:
  • WYSIWYG editing
  • support math expressions such as 
  • embedding images as data URLs and with copy and paste
  • diagrams in mermaid format
  • support for emojis 🍒
  • support for tables
  • simple text formatting and headers
  • copy and paste markdown
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Checklists and tables in milkdown
Checklists and tables in milkdown
Mermaid diagrams in action
Mermaid diagrams in action
Display complex math formulas
Display complex math formulas
Supporting the full markdown formatting
Supporting the full markdown formatting

Create notes with rich text formatting

For taking notes with complex formatting you can use the built-in HTML editor. Some key features includes:
  • WYSIWYG HTML editing
  • support for document headers and tables
  • rich text formatting with colors
  • To-Do lists with checkboxes and automation
  • HTML preview and direct editing
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Live Demo

In the following section you can experiment with notes created with TagSpaces in Markdown and HTML formats. In order to test the WYSISWYG Markdown editing please double click on the document bellow or click the EDIT button in the top right corner of the app.

Bellow is a read-only demo of TagSpaces, where tagging and file operations are disabled. The demo can be opened in a separate tab, for an experience in full width of the browser.

This demo is based on TagSpaces Enterprise (deployed on Cloudflare Pages with Wasabi object storage). If the demo is not displayed in your browser, you can open it in a separate tab

TagSpaces as Evernote alternative

The desktop version of TagSpaces can operate only with locally available files and folders. This feature can be nicely combined with the sync clients of cloud services such as Dropbox, Google Drive or Nextcloud, so the user can decide that certain notes (files) and/or notebooks (folders) can be synced to the cloud and this way accessible from as many devices as needed. The app can operate with files and folders located directly in the cloud on S3 compatible buckets (e.g. AWS, Minio, Wasabi, ...).

This way, the application can be used as valuable alternative to note-taking software such as Evernote, Onenote, Simplenote and Bear or personal wiki systems such as TidyWiki.

Own your data! In comparison to the most note-taking services, TagSpaces gives you the luxury to decide where your files are located, so you can keep the complete control over them.

Open source and free software

You don't have to trust us. The code of our software is available on Github for everyone to download, self-host, audit, and ideally contribute back.