Translating TagSpaces
If you like TagSpaces and want to help with the translation in your language, please register in Transifex and make your contribution there.
Already supported languages
This is a list of all languages in which the app is already even partially translated. Clicking on flag will open a demo version of the web application in the corresponding language. For some languages you will find people which helped with the translation. Please contact us if you want to be included here.
Deutsch (German)
Italiano (Italian)
Chinese 中文
Български (Bulgarian)
Japanese 日本語
Português (Portuguese)
Français (French)
Slovenský (Slovak)
Español (Spanish)
Український (Ukrainian)
Русский (Russian)
Türk (Turkish)
Čeština (Czech)
Català (Catalan)
Korean 한국어
ελληνικά (Greek)
Svenska (Swedish)
Nederlands (Dutch)
Chinese Taiwan BIG5 台灣
Magyar (Hungarian)
Bahasa Indonesia (Indonesian)
Polskie (Poland)
Maltese (Malta)
հայերեն (Armenian)
Dansk (Danish)
Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)
Bokmål (Norwegian)