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Live Demo

In the demo bellow you will find some predefined locations such as "Photo Gallery", "Note taking", "Web Clipping", "Digital Assets" or "Bookmark Manager". In these locations you can experience some typical use cases of the application. The demo is restricted to only browsing capabilities, if you want to test a fully functional application you can start with TagSpaces Lite which is available for free in the download section.

Bellow is a read-only demo of TagSpaces, where tagging and file operations are disabled. The demo can be opened in a separate tab, for an experience in full width of the browser.

This demo is based on TagSpaces Enterprise (deployed on Cloudflare Pages with Wasabi object storage). If the demo is not displayed in your browser, you can open it in a separate tab

Use-case specific demos

You can also check our demos adjusted for some app-specific use cases:

Try TagSpaces in your language

Clicking on a flag will open the TagSpaces Demo in the corresponding language in a new browser tab.

Deutsch (German)
Italiano (Italian)
中文 (Chinese)

Български (Bulgarian)
日本語 (Japanese)
Português (Portuguese)
Français (French)

Slovenský (Slovak)
Español (Spanish)
Український (Ukrainian)
Русский (Russian)

Türk (Turkish)
Čeština (Czech)
Català (Catalan)
한국어 (Korean)

ελληνικά (Greek)
Svenska (Swedish)
Nederlands (Dutch)
Chinese Taiwan BIG5 (台灣)

Bahasa Indonesia

Tiếng Việt

If you are missing a language or you can improve existing translations, visit our app translation section.