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TagSpaces 1.9 released

ยท 2 min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

On 22th November we released version 1.9.0. The main improvement is the addition of the 64bit version of TagSpaces for Windows and Mac OS X, based on node-webkit version 0.11.x. Further changes are:

Improved designโ€‹

The user interface design was optimized and was slightly improved on many places. We have now a new selection file selection color.

design improvements 1.9.0

New HTML viewerโ€‹

We have added a new HTML viewer, featuring viewing themes, content zooming and printing functionality.

theming in the HTML viewer theming in the HTML viewer

Improved richtext/HTML editorโ€‹

We updated the HTML editor to a newer version of the summernote editor supporting pasting images from clipboard. All the images in a HTML are now saved as data url in the current files, so now externally linked images are needed anymore.

design improvements 1.9.0

Other changesโ€‹

  • Now it is possible to add tags the currently selected files by double click on the tag in the tag group. The selected files are now kept so you don't have to select them again after tagging.
  • We have added also theming, zooming and printing capabilities to the MARKDOWN file viewer.
  • The Image Viewer was also enhanced with printing functionality and buttons for rotating the images to the left and right.

For the complete list of changes please see the whats new page or the change log on GitHub.