Version 5.1 - what is new?
Version 5.1 of TagSpaces was released recently, containing some new features and improvements. The main feature on which we spend a lot of development time is the Kanban perspective, which is again available in the PRO version.
The Kanban perspectiveโ
PROThe Kanban perspective was rewritten from scratch in this version and is again part of the PRO version. Basically it gives you the ability to represend any folder with sub folders as a Kanban board, where the sub folders are the columns and the files can represent tasks.

We have also added an import functionality for JSON exports of Trello boards, so you can easy migrate or try out existing Trello boards in TagSpaces. More on this functionality in the documentation of the Kanban perspective. Having your boards as simple files and folders on your PC, Mac or Android, makes your work not depend on the Internet and you a full owner of your data (if you have privacy concerns).
In general the Kanban perspective suits most for boards which are used mainly by one person, but you can of course share them with other by sharing the Kanban folder with your favorite sharing service (e.g. Nextcloud, Dropbox, Google Drive). You can of also place this folder on a S3 object storage and connect it as location in the TagSpaces app of different user. This is how we currently use the Kanban perspective to coordinate the development of TagSpaces.
TagSpaces Linksโ
In order to increase the compatibility with existing applications we have changed the prefix of the TagSpaces links (aka tslinks) from ts:?
to ts://?
. Links created with previous version of the app will of course be further supported.
Beside this, in this version you can paste a tslink directly in the search field of the app, hitting the enter
key will open the folder, file or location to which the link points.

More on the linking concept can be found in the docs.
New themes and support for systems' dark modeโ
We have added some new light and dark user interface themes in the application. The themes can be changed in the settings of the app. There, you can also select if the app should respect on start the dark mode setting of your operating system.

The following image carousel shows screenshots of the different UI themes.

Changes in the file creation dialogโ
A new text field was added on the top of the file creation dialog, showing the automatically generated file name. The text is preselected, so you can easy change it, to what ever you need. This is especially useful for the Kanban perspective where you create this way new cards. Bellow of this text field you will see the path where this file will be created. The path defaults in most of the cases to the current folder, but when there is no opened location, the dialog will create the file in the root folder of the first location in your location manager.

App history navigation (beta)โ
In this version we introduce the ability to navigate on the app's history. We have added two buttons, a go back
-button for going to the last opened file, folder or location and a go forward
-button for reverting the go-back action, so you should be navigation to the places where you have been before clicking on the go back button. A go back button is useful if you have clicked on an internal TagSpaces link or when you have switched to a folder or location in the location manager. In these cases the go back button will bring you back to the previous place.

Every time a folder, file or location is opened an entry in the app's history is written. These buttons are helping the navigation in the app's history.
This feature is still in BETA, not all use cases are tested and supported, but it works for the most of them.
Various Improvementsโ
- Now all the markdown rendering is happens thanks to the same powerfull Milkdown framework which we use in the markdown editor extension.
- The image viewer was extended to show the width and height of the currently viewed image and some more EXIF data points from JPG files.
- We have fixed some user interface glitches in the file types area in the settings.
- The loading of the default location is now skipped while opening TagSpaces links (ts:?..).
- The thumbnail generation for markdown and mhtml files was disabled, since it does not have any practical use.
- The name of the currently opened file is displayed now in the window title.
Plans for the next major releaseโ
We plan a huge revamp of the search user experience and the support for ts:// links as protocol in the operating systems.