Version 1.6 released
· 2 min read
Version 1.6 of TagSpaces was released to the public today. Please find a list with some cool new features:
- Grid perspective - A new perspective was added to TagSpaces, which shows the files of the current directory in a grid. This perspective features also:
- Advanced search - it is possible to search explicitly for a tag by putting + in front of it in the search term or to exclude a file with a given tag by putting - in front of it (e.g. "-high" will show all files except files containing the tag “high”).
- Drag & Drop of files to folders supported.
- Grouping of files by date, month and year
- Color coded tags - users can now customize the foreground and the background colour of their tags.
- Smart tags - by tagging a file with a smart tag, it is tagged with a tag generated by the tagging time. For example, if you tag a file with smart tag called "today", it will be tagged with the current date (e.g. 20130919).
- Changing the order of perspectives - now is possible to change the order of the perspectives in the main TagSpaces window, using the settings of application. This can be achieved by simple dragging the button in front of every perspective and dropping it at the desired place.
- CSV export - some of the perspectives can export the current list of files or search results in CSV format for further operation with the generated data.
A complete list of changes can be found in release notes.
Here you will find some screenshots from the new release: