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File formats handled by TagSpaces

· One min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

I added a new page on yesterday, describing the currently supported file types, which can be opened and edited in the application. As of today TagSpaces supports more than 50 file types. In the near future I am planning to support opening of EPUB (e-books) and formats from the Open Document Format (ODF) such as ODS (spreadsheet), ODT (text documents), ODP (presentations) and ODG (graphics). What do you think - which formats should be also supported in TagSpaces?

Syncing tagged files between devices with Dropbox

· 2 min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

One of the most common questions I receive about TagSpaces, is about the missing files synchronization feature. The concerns of the users are that they spend an hour tagging their files on the laptop, but now they want to get the same results also on their tablet or desktop computer and vice versa. Ok, my opinion here is that TagSpaces does not need sync functionality, because all the tags are saved in the names of the files, which does this meta-information extremely portable between devices. This is one of the main differences between TagSpaces and other applications offering tagging on files. Most of those applications are using some kind of database to store the tags, which does the transfer of this information challenging. Besides that, your tagging information in this case is locked by the vendor and you cannot migrate to another application or service without significant effort. Saving the tags in the file names make the information stick to your files, and you can find files based on the tags even with simple search functionality supplied with your operating system.

For the synchronization of the tagged files with TagSpaces, you can use any "cloud" service like Dropbox or projects like ownCloud, which provides sync clients. At present, I personally use Dropbox with its native clients on my Ubuntu laptop and the Dropsync app on my Nexus 10 and Nexus 5 devices. This tool combination works perfectly with TagSpaces and the way it preserves tagged information. And since there are TagSpaces clients for many platforms (currently Windows, OS X, Linux, Firefox, Chrome and Android), your tagged files can be synced and used almost everywhere.

The following diagram shows my current utilization of Dropbox in connection to TagSpaces.

Diagram showing synching of tagged files with Dropbox

If you are using TagSpaces with any other sync service, please post a comment bellow. I am always keen to know details on the way you are using TagSpaces.

Final Version 1.7 released

· One min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

Final 1.7 version of TagSpaces was released today. Please find the main differences in comparison to the previous version:

Redesigned user interface

The user interface was redesigned in order to be more responsive and usable. The goal was to make a single interface suitable for tablet and desktop use.

New user interface tagspaces 1.7

Native Applications for Windows, Max OS, Linux and Android

The second main goal was to release TagSpaces as a native application for various platforms. The following screenshot shows TagSpaces running on an Android based tablet.

tagspaces 1.7 running on android

Second beta-release of TagSpaces 1.7

· One min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

A pre-release of the upcoming 1.7 Version of TagSpaces was accomplished today. New in this version, beside the complete redesign of the user interface and the many improvements, are the native packages for Linux, Windows, Mac OS and Android. Feel free to download this release for testing purposes from the following links to GitHub:

Since this release is for four new platforms and includes many changes and bug fixes, I will really appreciate helping me testing it. And of course, any feedback or suggestion is welcome.

Version 1.6.1606 for Chrome released

· 2 min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

Version 1.6.1606 was just released to the public today. It is minor release, fixing some bugs and adding some new features like:

  • Opening of media files - Now you are able to open media files such as video and audio in TagSpaces. This gives the ability TagSpaces to project your local files to the Google's Chromecast directly. Currently the following file extensions are supported: OGG, OGV, OGA, OGX, SPX, OPUS, MP3, MP4, M4P, WAV, WAVE, WEBM, M4V, M4A, MOV.
  • Browsing source code files - in addition to the media files, you can open the source code of many programming languages. This makes TagSpaces a convenient source code browser.
  • Create new file dialog redesigned - now it is possible to tag the file you are creating in the process of its creation.  New file create dialog
  • Adding multiple tags in the tag groups - it is now possible to add in one step many tags, separated by comma in tag groups.
  • Move tags to first position - in addition to moving a tag to the left and right in the filename, it is now possible to move it to the very first position.

Version 1.6 released

· 2 min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

Version 1.6 of TagSpaces was released to the public today. Please find a list with some cool new features:

  • Grid perspective - A new perspective was added to TagSpaces, which shows the files of the current directory in a grid. This perspective features also:
    • Advanced search - it is possible to search explicitly for a tag by putting + in front of it in the search term or to exclude a file with a given tag by putting - in front of it (e.g. "-high" will show all files except files containing the tag “high”).
    • Drag & Drop of files to folders supported.
    • Grouping of files by date, month and year
  • Color coded tags - users can now customize the foreground and the background colour of their tags.
  • Smart tags - by tagging a file with a smart tag, it is tagged with a tag generated by the tagging time. For example, if you tag a file with smart tag called "today", it will be tagged with the current date (e.g. 20130919).
  • Changing the order of perspectives - now is possible to change the order of the perspectives in the main TagSpaces window, using the settings of application. This can be achieved by simple dragging the button in front of every perspective and dropping it at the desired place.
  • CSV export - some of the perspectives can export the current list of files or search results in CSV format for further operation with the generated data.

A complete list of changes can be found in release notes.

Here you will find some screenshots from the new release:

Screenshot grid perspective Searching and viewing images

Saving webpages as mhtml(mht) in Chrome

· One min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

TagSpaces is a great tool for MHTML file organization on many platforms, because it features an integrated MHTML viewer, but the question here is how you can save web pages as handy MHTML files directly out of the Chrome browser. Here you will find the answer of this question for the both browsers - Chrome and Chromium respectively. Please note that after this activation you will not be able to save website in HTML anymore.

  1. Start the Chrome/Chromium browser
  2. Navigate to "chrome://flags"
  3. Find the entry "Save Page as MHTML"
  4. Click "enable"
  5. Restart your browser
  6. That's it, now the web pages will be saved by default as MHTML
Screenshot showing how enable mhtml saving in chrome

The following screenshots shows the MHTML preview function in TagSpaces.

Previewing MHTML files in TagSpaces

TagSpaces as Evernote alternative

· 4 min read
Ilian Sapundshiev
TagSpaces Core Team

TagSpaces is an application for managing and organizing of files. In this article I will explain how TagSpaces can be used for achieving some typical Evernote use cases such as:

  • Saving web pages and other digital artefacts
  • Creating and editing notes
  • Organizing documents with tags in collections
  • Distributing the collected artefacts across different devices such as smart phones and tablets

Evernote is a cloud based service for collecting and organizing of digital artefacts such as web clips, pictures and documents. I was using this service for years, because it is very handy and has a sleek user interface (except the previous Windows client, which was built on .NET/WPF). Despite all the cool features, I was still concerned about the fact the Evernote stores all the data I have collected over the years on servers somewhere in the cloud. This fact motivated me to search for an Evernote alternative in which I will have the complete control for my data. So I came to the development of TagSpaces, that can be used - together with Firefox and some other browser extensions - for accomplishing most of the tasks for which I have previously used Evernote. Saving of web pages sounds as a trivial task, but it has some tricks. For example, if you try to save a web page with all the images in it in Firefox, it will create a HTML file and a separate folder containing all the included images, CSS and other files. This functionality has one major drawback - the main HTML file can be easily separated from the folder with images. So now I was searching for a file format saving all the web page content in one single file, and I came to MHT aka. MHTML. This format is based on this RFC specification. The good news was that many internet browsers are supporting this format either OOTB (out of the box) or with the help of third-party extensions. Some popular rich mail clients such as Mozilla Thunderbird and Microsoft Outlook are also supporting MHT without external help. This makes managing of important emails outside of the client’s email address very easy. An overview of the applications supporting MHT file format follows in the table below:

Applicationopening MHT filesMHTML saving
FirefoxMozilla Archive Format add-onMozilla Archive Format add-on
Internet ExplorerOOTBOOTB
ChromeOOTBEnable save as MHTML
Thunderbirdnot relevantOOTB (Files have the EML extensions)
Outlooknot relevantOOTB

As you can see, the variety of applications supporting MHT export makes the collecting of data from many input channels very easy.Currently for saving things from the web I am using the following directory structure on my local drive. As you see the files are organized in a flat folder hierarchy, I create for every month a new folder with this naming pattern YYYYMM e.g. 201211 for November 2012. The "month" folders are then placed in the "year" folders (pattern YYYY).
